Register for AlertJax Emergency Notifications.

Register for AlertJax Emergency Notifications
To be JaxReady means that you are taking emergency preparedness to the next level and making it a part of your everyday life. Incidents often occur with little or no notice, and by being prepared you are minimizing the impact to you and your family by being prepared. By being prepared you can become an instrumental part of the recovery in your community. Don't just be ready, Be JaxReady!AlertJax Emergency Notification System
Residents are encouraged to be JaxReady by staying up to date with the latest emergency notifications from Duval County Emergency Management. Duval County uses AlertJax (powered by the Everbridge Automated Notification System) to warn residents of a potential or pending emergency.Register for AlertJax Emergency Notifications.
What is the ALERT Jax?
Receive alert notifications about emergencies and other important community news by signing up for the AlertJax Emergency Alert Program this system enables us to provide you with the time sensetive information for local and County Wide emergencies.When will it be used?
- Severe Weather
- Flooding
- Emergencies
- Events